Iptc.Application2.Keywords :
Culture: Popular American Culture; Work Type: Magazine tearsheet
Iptc.Application2.Copyright :
Rights: This image has been made available to a user of the Artstor Digital Library and may be used for noncommercial educationa
Iptc.Application2.Caption :
Creator: Meyers, Robert; Date: September 1955; Material: 4 color print; Repository: Modern Graphic History Library, Washington University in St. Louis; Accession Number: 2012-03.
Iptc.Envelope.CharacterSet :
Iptc.Application2.ObjectName :
Title: Pepsi-Cola; Image ID: SS7731863_7731863_12535678
Iptc.Application2.RecordVersion :
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:action :
lang=x-default Creator: Meyers, Robert; Date: September 1955; Material: 4 color print; Repository: Modern Graphic History Library, Washington University in St. Louis; Accession Number: 2012-03.
lang=x-default Rights: This image has been made available to a user of the Artstor Digital Library and may be used for noncommercial educational and scholarly uses only in accordance with the Artstor Digital Library Terms. Users of the collection who wish to use items from this collection, in whole or in part, in any form of publication (as defined in the form) must sign and submit to the Washington University Department of Special Collections a hard copy of the Notification of intent to publish manuscript collection materials form. All publication not covered by fair use restricted to those who have permission of the copyright holder.; Users of the collection who wish to use items from this collection, in whole or in part, in any form of publication, must sign and submit to the Washington University Department of Special Collections a hard copy of the Notification of Intent to Publish Collection Materials form. All publication not covered by fair use restricted to those who have permission of the copyright holder. This image has been selected and made available by an institutional user of the ARTstor Digital Library using ARTstors software tools. ARTstor has not pre-screened or selected this image, and therefore disclaims any liability for any use of this image. Should you have any legal objection to the use of this image, please notify ARTstors Contact for Legal Notices.
Culture: Popular American Culture; Work Type: Magazine tearsheet; Style Period: Commercial Modernism; Subject: Thin people; Women; Soft drinks
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:when :
Xmp.xmpMM.OriginalDocumentID :
Walt Reed Illustration Archive
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:softwareAgent :
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Windows)
lang=x-default Title: Pepsi-Cola; Image ID: SS7731863_7731863_12535678
Xmp.xmpRights.UsageTerms :
lang=x-default Rights: This image has been selected and made available by a user using Artstors software tools. Artstor has not screened or selected this image or cleared any rights to it and is acting as an online service provider pursuant to 17 U.S.C. ��512. Artstor disclaims any liability associated with the use of this image. Should you have any legal objection to the use of this image, please visit
for contact information and instructions on how to proceed.
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:instanceID :
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:changed :
Xmp.photoshop.ColorMode :
Rights: This image has been made available to a user of the Artstor Digital Library and may be used for noncommercial educational and scholarly uses only in accordance with the Artstor Digital Library Terms. Users of the collection who wish to use items from this collection, in whole or in part, in any form of publication (as defined in the form) must sign and submit to the Washington University Department of Special Collections a hard copy of the Notification of intent to publish manuscript collection materials form. All publication not covered by fair use restricted to those who have permission of the copyright holder.; Users of the collection who wish to use items from this collection, in whole or in part, in any form of publication, must sign and submit to the Washington University Department of Special Collections a hard copy of the Notification of Intent to Publish Collection Materials form. All publication not covered by fair use restricted to those who have permission of the copyright holder. This image has been selected and made available by an institutional user of the ARTstor Digital Library using ARTstors software tools. ARTstor has not pre-screened or selected this image, and therefore disclaims any liability for any use of this image. Should you have any legal objection to the use of this image, please notify ARTstors Contact for Legal Notices.